Best Practices for State-Level Nursing Workforce Data Collection

The Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center and the Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies are pleased to co-sponsor a 3-part webinar series on nursing workforce data collection, analysis, and research. This webinar, the first in the 3-part series, provides an in-depth review of strategies used in two states for nursing workforce data collection.ArrayJanuary 24, 2017…

RN Research Using the NSSRN

This webinar focuses on registered nurse (RN) research using the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN). Topics include the path to registered nursing; the validation of estimates of state-level RN distribution by hospital employment setting; and characteristics of RNs in long-term care.Array, ArrayFebruary 18, 2021 11 hour Array This webinar focuses on registered nurse…

NP Research Using the NSSRN

This webinar focuses on nurse practitioner (NP) research using the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN). The first presentation examined evidence that registered nurses (RNs) are becoming NPs faster today than in the past and discusses the implications of that finding. The second presentation compares NPs that completed residencies to those who did not.Array,…

Implications of Weighing Issues Associated with the 2018 NSSRN

This webinar examines weighting issues associated with the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN). Implications for conducting research using the 2018 NSSRN are discussed.Array, ArrayJanuary 14, 2021 1 Array This webinar examines weighting issues associated with the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses. 57January 14, 2021

Immediate and Long-term Economic Impacts of the Pandemic on the Nursing Workforce

Utilizing data from monthly population surveys, this webinar examines employment trends throughout the US health care delivery system, as well as employment and earnings trends of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nursing assistants. Presenters discuss whether trends differ by employment setting and by different characteristics of the nursing workforce. Preliminary estimates of future growth…

The Future of the Behavioral Health Workforce: Optimism and Opportunity

Millions of Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental health condition and deaths related to opioid misuse have been skyrocketing over the past 2 decades. The current behavioral health workforce tasked with addressing these issues is currently experiencing a shortage and projections foresee this shortage continuing in the coming years. However, the behavioral health workforce has…

Developing a Workforce for Health in North Carolina: Planning for the Future

Among the many trends influencing health and health care delivery over the next decade, 3 are particularly important for North Carolina: 1) the transition to value-based care and increased focus on population health; 2) the shift of care from acute to community-based settings; and 3) addressing the vulnerability of rural health care systems. This report…

Modernizing Scope-of-Practice Regulations — Time to Prioritize Patients

Many healthcare organizations are rethinking provider roles and responsibilities to help their workforce best serve the needs of their patients. At the same time, regulations at the state and organizational levels restrict providers’ scope of practice. This article discusses potential adjustments to scope of practice regulations to allow healthcare organizations to provide the best possible…

Ensuring and Sustaining a Pandemic Workforce

In order for the current health workforce to meet the increasing demand brought about by the pandemic, health care delivery organizations, educators, and government leaders will need to work together to adapt regulations to expand workforce capacity. Strategies such as expanding scopes of practice, developing cross-state licensure programs, and increasing telehealth services are essential. This…

Investing In A 21st Century Health Workforce: A Call For Accountability

Due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic, the American Rescue Plan and the CARES act have provided major increases to healthcare funding. However, planning and accountability are needed to ensure that this new funding is spent responsibly and equitably to address the nation’s most pressing health needs. This article provides recommendations for organizations to…

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