Congressional proposals to expand graduate medical education (GME) have set a goal of funding 3,000 new postgraduate year-1 (PGY1) slots for 5 years for a total of 15,000 new residency positions. Proposed legislation has suggested that the Workforce Commission, the Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), and the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) provide input…
Many health workforce models project shortages in multiple specialties. Graduate medical education could be expanded or redistributed to help fill these shortages if training positions are allocated appropriately. This article presents an objective, evidence-based methodology that could be used to allocate thousands of new graduate medical education slots by state and specialty to address projected…
The rate at which physicians migrate from one state to another varies both between and within specialties. A better understanding of the migration patterns within specialties would help improve workforce projections. This article describes a comparison between physicians in the 2009 American Medical Association Masterfile data and those in the 2013 file to help estimate…
There are large variations in the level of agreement among areas that are identified as “rural” under various rurality definitions. Rural-urban disparities are sensitive to the specific definition and which population characteristic that is being considered. This article explores 8 federal rural definitions and the degree to which they identify the same areas as rural….
There are large variations in the level of agreement among areas that are identified as “rural” under various rurality definitions. Rural-urban disparities are sensitive to the specific definition and which population characteristic that is being considered. This article explores 8 federal rural definitions and the degree to which they identify the same areas as rural….
The rate at which physicians migrate from one state to another varies both between and within specialties. A better understanding of the migration patterns within specialties would help improve workforce projections. This article describes a comparison between physicians in the 2009 American Medical Association Masterfile data and those in the 2013 file to help estimate…
Many health workforce models project shortages in multiple specialties. Graduate medical education could be expanded or redistributed to help fill these shortages if training positions are allocated appropriately. This article presents an objective, evidence-based methodology that could be used to allocate thousands of new graduate medical education slots by state and specialty to address projected…
Congressional proposals to expand graduate medical education (GME) have set a goal of funding 3,000 new postgraduate year-1 (PGY1) slots for 5 years for a total of 15,000 new residency positions. Proposed legislation has suggested that the Workforce Commission, the Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), and the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) provide input…