Developing a Health Workforce Profile For the Virgin Islands To Assess the Effects of Natural Disasters On Health Care Infrastructure, Health Workforce, and Demand for Health Services
In 2003, the Center for Health Workforce Studies, with support from the Health Resources and Services Administration, released a report on the health workforce of the Virgin Islands (VI). The profile drew from a wide array of data sources to describe the size and composition of VI’s health workforce. A number of issues emerged from this workforce assessment including concerns about the adequacy of the supply of health workers as well as the need to strengthen the educational pipeline into health professions.
To better understand current health workforce issues facing VI, the HWTAC will develop an updated VI health workforce profile. The updated profile will facilitate comparisons between workforce issues faced more than 15 years ago and those faced today. More importantly, it will support an assessment of the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria which struck VI in September of 2017 that considers both supply of health workers and demand for health services.