An Update on Mandatory Health Workforce Data Collection in New Hampshire

Since 2010, the New Hampshire State Office of Rural Health (SORH) has been charged to collect primary care workforce supply and capacity data to inform healthcare access planning and workforce assessment, as well as policy regarding the current and future needs of NH’s primary care workforce. However, data collection was not possible until 2017, when NH passed a law authorizing participating health professions licensing boards to adopt rules requiring licensees to complete the SORH’s workforce survey during the time of license renewal.

In this webinar, Danielle Weiss, the Health Professions Data Center Manager, discusses ongoing efforts to implement this new law. She provides a brief overview of the law, what’s working, what’s not working, and next steps for health workforce data collection in the state. Based on her experience, Danielle also offers advice to states contemplating similar legislation.
January 22, 2019

30 minutes


In this webinar, Danielle Weiss, the Health Professions Data Center Manager, discusses ongoing efforts to implement this new law. She provides a brief overview of the law, what’s working, what’s not working, and next steps for health workforce data collection in the state. Based on her experience, Danielle also offers advice to states contemplating similar legislation.

January 22, 2019

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