Is the number of health care jobs continuing to grow?

During the recession, healthcare jobs increased at the same time when many sectors were losing jobs. This trend is continuing to hold.

  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of healthcare occupations will grow 18% from 2016 to 2020. This is faster than the average for all occupations and will add about 2.3 million new jobs.
  • Altarum produces monthly Health Sector Economic Indicators briefs that monitor trends in health care employment, spending, and prices. Their 2017 employment brief shows continued growth in the number of health care jobs, with the greatest growth found in outpatient care centers.
  • A November 2017 Health Affairs Blog discussed projected changes in health care employment under different policy proposals including the current law, H.R. 1628 American Health Care Act (AHCA), and ending cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurers. The projections and comparisons predict a loss of jobs under the AHCA and CSR payment reduction proposals. It concluded that continued monitoring is needed to ensure there are enough health care workers to meet the population’s needs.

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