Oregon Data Collection

Oregon Healthcare Workforce Institute

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Email: D. Chad Johnson, PhD

Telephone: 503-352-6507

Reports on Website: No

The Oregon Healthcare Workforce Institute (OHWI) is a public-private partnership that originated in the Governor’s Office in 2005. Crossing health care, industry, education, workforce development, and policy arenas, OHWI’s focus includes accurate supply and demand data and gap analyses, licensed health care workforce research, health care employment and industry research, educational program and clinical capacity development, and assistance in the development of public policies. OHWI serves as a clearinghouse for state health care workforce information and serves as backbone organization for collective impact approaches to developing sustainable solutions to address the state’s health care workforce needs. OHWI is identified in state statute as an advisory entity to state agencies and serves as consulting staff to the state’s Health Care Workforce Committee.

Education Pipeline

Oregon Center for Nursing

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Email: Jana Bitton

Telephone: (503) 342-4047

Reports on Website: Yes

The Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN) facilitates research and collaboration for Oregon’s nursing workforce to support informed, well-prepared, diverse, and exceptional nursing professionals. Since 2002, OCN has analyzed Oregon’s nursing workforce and released 14 reports on nursing supply and demand, as well as reports on nursing faculty, a database of nursing student admissions, cultural competence in nursing best practices, and more.

Workforce Supply
Workforce Demand
Education Pipeline

Oregon Health Authority Healthcare Workforce Reporting Program

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Email: Andy Davis

Telephone: 503-586-9957

Reports on Website: Yes

History regarding data collection efforts:
2009: The Oregon State Legislature passed HB 2009, establishing the Healthcare Workforce Reporting Program
2010: Seven health care licensing boards begin reporting data (Oregon State Board of Nursing, Oregon Medical Board, Oregon Board of Dentistry, Oregon Board of Licensed Dietitians, Oregon Board of Pharmacy, Occupational therapy Licensing, and Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board)
2011: Three voluntary boards began reporting data (Board of Licensed Counselors and Therapists; Board of Psychology Examiners, and Board of Licensed Social Workers)
2015:SB 230 expands the program to include 17 health care licensing boards Boards – Added during 2016-17
Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners (beginning July 2016)
Oregon Board of Licensed Clinical Social Workers (beginning July 2016)*
Oregon Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (beginning Nov. 2017)
Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists (beginning July 2016)*
Oregon Board of Massage Therapists (beginning July 2016)
Oregon Board of Medical Imaging (beginning Sept. 2016)
Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (beginning Nov. 2016)
Oregon Board of Optometry (beginning June 2017)
Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners (beginning July 2016)*
Respiratory Therapist and Polysomnographic Technologist Licensing Board (beginning July 2016)

Data collected include: Demographics (Gender, race, ethnicity, languages spoken)
Education (highest degree attained, specialty training and certification)
Practice (Employment status and type, specialty, practice setting and location, future practice plans)
For physicians, NPs, dentists and NDs, data is also collected regarding acceptance of Medicaid patients and “patient mix” (% of patients by insurance type – all self-reported data)

Workforce Supply

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