Despite repeated calls for systemic solutions to physician stress, few studies have actually examined how “the system works”—ie, how structural factors intersect in real-time to create unhealthy work environments. This webinar explored how organizational-, professional-, and societal-level factors intersect to shape wellbeing and job satisfaction, based on an 8-month ethnography at an urban pediatrics clinic….
American physicians disproportionately suffer from burnout. Despite calls for solutions to the physician burnout crisis, there is little research on how multiple structural factors intersect in real-time as a system to shape well-being. This article examines pressures on physicians from societal, organizational, and professional levels, to assess how these structural factors work together to affect…
American physicians disproportionately suffer from burnout. Despite calls for solutions to the physician burnout crisis, there is little research on how multiple structural factors intersect in real-time as a system to shape well-being. This article examines pressures on physicians from societal, organizational, and professional levels, to assess how these structural factors work together to affect…
Despite repeated calls for systemic solutions to physician stress, few studies have actually examined how “the system works”—ie, how structural factors intersect in real-time to create unhealthy work environments. This webinar explored how organizational-, professional-, and societal-level factors intersect to shape wellbeing and job satisfaction, based on an 8-month ethnography at an urban pediatrics clinic….