The expansion of integrated behavioral health (IBH) in primary care is crucial to addressing the growing behavioral health crisis in the US. Evidence shows that patients are more likely to receive behavioral health diagnosis and treatment in primary care than in specialty mental health settings. COVID-19 disrupted primary care delivery, necessitating modifications to IBH. Social…
In conjunction with other legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is transforming medical care in the United States. The ACA is seeking to improve patient and population health outcomes while lowering costs. One mechanism is to incentivize the use of interprofessional health teams in primary and specialty care settings. These changes require reconfiguring and…
Social workers are flexible employees with a wide variety of skills that can be adapted to fit complex and highly integrated healthcare settings. Many integrated health teams have benefited from the involvement of social workers, but little research has been conducted that examines the roles that social workers perform in these settings. This report describes…
Social workers are flexible employees with a wide variety of skills that can be adapted to fit complex and highly integrated healthcare settings. Many integrated health teams have benefited from the involvement of social workers, but little research has been conducted that examines the roles that social workers perform in these settings. This brief describes…
While federal graduate medical education (GME) reform efforts have stalled, states have become increasingly active in determining ways to target Medicaid and state appropriations toward producing the workforce needed to meet population health needs. However, states have voiced the need for better data to determine where to target these funds and evaluate their return on…
In primary care settings, social workers are increasingly helping to deliver care as part of integrated teams of professionals. However, little is known about the functions of these interprofessional teams that include social workers and the value that social workers bring to those teams. This article describes a systematic review of randomized controlled trials to…
Social workers are now doing more of their work in integrated health settings that require them to perform a variety of different roles and skills. As these settings are often more complex, the roles that social workers perform in them is not well understood. This article describes a study which utilized an online survey of…
Co-location of physical and behavioral health is important to integrated care as it facilitates provider communication and continuity of care. However, given the increases in behavioral health and integrated care, our understanding of factors associated with co-location is outdated. This brief describes an update to a past study conducted in 2010 that examined co-location data…
Because 60–80% of all primary care visits include a behavioral health component, providing integrated services in primary care is now considered a priority for health systems as they strive to meet patient needs and improve population health. Integrated care typically involves behavioral healthcare workers such as social workers and psychologists working on teams with primary care…
Providing integrated behavioral health services in primary care is now considered a priority for health systems as 60–80% of all primary care visits include a behavioral health component. Integrated care typically involves behavioral healthcare workers, such as social workers and psychologists, working on teams with primary care providers to help address behavioral health and social…