Mental and Physical Health Status of US Health Care Workers

Burnout has long been a concern among health care workers, leading to various mental and physical health conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this issue, as health care workers faced extended hours, increased workloads, and the emotional toll of caring for a higher number of dying patients. These factors have contributed to a significant rise in…

Staffing Trends for Non-Nursing Occupations in Skilled Nursing Facilities in the United States Between 2018-2022

Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) have recently experienced 2 major disruptions impacting staffing: 1) the Medicare payment reform in October 2019, which significantly altered reimbursement incentives for post-acute stays, and 2) the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic. Extensive research has been conducted on how these events have affected nurse staffing in SNFs, including registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical…

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Community Pharmacy Workforce

Community pharmacies are among the most accessible health care sites in the United States. Community pharmacists offer many services including medication optimization, chronic and acute care management, wellness and prevention, and patient education. However, community pharmacies face several barriers that have impeded patientsā€™ ability to universally access these services. This article describes the impact of…

Pathways for Military Veterans to Enter Healthcare Careers

Over the next 5 years, approximately 1.5 million military service members will separate from the military. As a growing industry, healthcare may hold job opportunities, especially for entry level allied health positions, that are ideal for military veterans transitioning into the civilian sector. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many veterans, including those with healthcare experience, have…

The Behavioral Health Workforce Need for Integration with Primary Care: Information for Health Workforce Planning

Across the US, the integration of behavioral health with primary care likely will take place under different models, at varying rates, and to varying degrees. Developing the behavioral health workforce needed for integration requires ongoing resources (including data and analysis, planning, policies, and funding) with support needed at the national, state and community levels. This…

Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources

This report compares national estimates of the supply and characteristics of 9 types of allied health workers drawn from 4 publicly available national data sources: the American Community Survey (ACS), the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), and the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry. The 9 occupations (or occupation groups) examined are…

Characteristics of Veterans in Allied Health Care Occupations

There are approximately 20 million military veterans in the United States, among which 4.6 million are from the post-9/11 period of service. One study found that healthcare is the third most common industry in which male veterans work, and healthcare occupations are among the fastest growing opportunities for male veterans. Among Gulf War veterans, male…

Comparing the Socioeconomic Well-Being of Workers Across Healthcare Occupations

Researchers analyzed 2015 data from an ongoing monthly household survey called the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS). This report investigates the socioeconomic well-being, including occupation-skill match, financial situation, and reliance on state/federal assistance programs, among individuals working in healthcare.ArrayReport Array 1, 2016Array, Array, Array, Array, Array December 1, 2016

Immigrants in Healthcare Occupations

The United States (US) draws a large number of immigrants in search of better economic opportunities. As skilled professionals move from less to more developed countries, this ā€œbrain drainā€ may put the migrantsā€™ home countries at risk by depleting human resources for public health and healthcare. The World Health Organization calls on member nations to…

The Value of Real Time Labor Market Information for Monitoring Health Workforce Demand: A Case Study Examining Employer Demand for Health Information Technology Skills

This study examined the value of Real-Time Labor Market Information (RT-LMI) for identifying how frequently, and for which occupations, skills related to health information technology (HIT) are specifically demanded by healthcare employers. This report helps to understand the value and limitations of RT-LMI for monitoring health workforce demand, including allied health professions.ArrayBrief Array 1, 2017Array,…

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